5 Important Financial Preparations When Traveling To Uganda


You are aware that you will need to incur a number of financial commitments before traveling because everything ranging from the air ticket, travel insurance, accommodation and meals to the transport to the final destination need money thus there is always need to know the important financial preparations required for traveling during the Uganda safari.

Advance preparations is always important for any kind of safari thus the following are the crucial financial preparations every tourist needs to undertake before travelling during the Safari to Uganda.

1. Inform your credit card company

There is nothing as bad as or even worse than being able to access your money while overseas (during the safari). For avoid that, you have to inform your bank about your travel plans and where you will be going to, then don’t also forget to ask them to add the information to your file. By doing so, the fraud department of your bank will not freeze your account while assuming someone might have stolen your number. Additionally, if you are hiring a car during the safari, make sure that you first find out if your credit card also provides any coverage for damages to the car hire/rental company.

2. Make sure that your credit card can work within the destination/country you are traveling to

There is carrying the credit card but the issue will be whether it can work within the country you are heading to. One of the questions you should ask include whether your credit card has a chip because some destinations switched to Chip-and-PIN Technology and also few businesses in Uganda accept outdated magnetic-strip cards.

3. Check the entrance and exit fees

In most cases, countries require you to pay entrance and departure fees which may cost as much as $200 ands these fees are not always included in the cost of the air ticket thus you will need to inquire and budget in advance.

4. Pay your forthcoming/upcoming bills

Before undertaking an International trip, make sure to first sign up for your bank’s bill pay feature and online access so that you are able to transfer money or/and pay bills while overseas. On the other hand, you may need to pay any pending bills in advance or leave signed checks with at least a family member or trusted friend.

Therefore, it is important to prepare financially for a safari in Uganda which needs to be done by paying forthcoming bills, check the entrance and exit fees for the destination you are traveling to, inform your credit card company and make sure that your credit card can work within the destination/country you are traveling to.